The struggle of keeping up your grades before the break

Amanda Corrao

Don’t give yourself a headache–just do it before break!

The second marking period always seems the worst for students to keep their grades up because of Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Lots of students have different strategies to use in order to keep their grades remotely high.

For some students, it’s easier to think ahead instead of procrastinating. After all, nobody likes doing homework during the break.

Senior Jimmy Steele said, “I try to get assignments done ahead of time in order to stay ahead; that way I don’t have to worry about grades going into break.”

For some students, they have teachers that give a last minute assignment to do over the break. Nobody realizes how high the pile of work is until they actually do it.

Sophomore Prince Gaye said, “There’s always that one teacher that gives you an assignment that’s due the day we all come back from break. Procrastination is a true friend until the assignments can’t be pushed back any further. So, I suggest that students do everything ahead of time because having a stress-free break is great.”

The every day assignments may not be enough to keep up your grades.

Junior Nicole Fuller said, “I take advantage of every extra credit opportunity my teachers give me.”

Laziness itself can affect a grade deeply. You can’t always rely on the next assignment to get your grade up.

Senior Isaiah Banks said, “It’s very easy to lose track of your grades. I study and work a little harder during this marking period since I know from experience, it’s hard to redeem yourself once you’ve failed something or got too lazy to do a simple homework assignment.”

For the most part, the student body agrees that procrastination and laziness is going to be a personal regret later on.  Don’t wait until you find out there’s only a week left until the marking period ends.  Keeping up grades is very important this time of year, no matter how tempting it is to slack off.