“In the Heart of the Sea” rises to new depths (Review)

We all know the story of Moby Dick, the great large white whale featured in the famous novel of the same name. What many might not know is the origin of how the tale was started.

The film In The of Heart of The Sea not only introduces the origin of the book itself but also the real-life encounter with a sperm whale that gave the basis for the story.

Directed by Ron Howard, the events of the film are told from the narration and viewpoint of Thomas Nickerson (played by Tom Holland and Brendan Gleeson) the only living survivor of the crew of the Essex, a ship sent to kill numerous sperm whales for their oil.

Chris Hemsworth, young Tom Holland, and Benjamin Walker give phenomenal performances as first mate and veteran whaler Owen Chase, the captain of the ship George Pollard Jr., and a young Thomas Nickerson. Probably the most beautiful and exciting yet destructive scenes would have to be when the crew of the Essex finally encounter the whale.

The scene is both destructive and true as it shows the enormous power that whales have as the beast tears the ship apart and single-handedly destroys the Essex. Forcing the crew to sail and survive on smaller ships with limited food and supplies.

Ron Howard does a great job of depicting some of the questionable decisions one must make in order to survive such as cannibalizing the body of a dead crewmen to keep one from starving.

The ending is also well done as the old Thomas Nickerson finally finishes the story and gives the author and creator of the book Moby Dick himself, Herman Melville, the foundation to begin writing the novel.

Ultimately In the Heart of the Sea makes for an interesting movie to see for those looking to discover the origin of one of the best classic stories ever told.