Springfest Carnival added a ‘spring’ to students’ steps

Meghan Frutsche

Student Council members Olayah Safouan and Mabel Sheesley serve hotdogs and Rita’s Italian Ice at the Springfest Carnival. Student Council is responsible for organizing the Carnival.

With the arrival of spring and the finishing of classes, another event has entered students’ horizons: Springfest, the annual carnival hosted by the CHS Student Council.

Springfest Carnival took place on Thursday, May 9 from 3 to 5 P.M.

The CHS Student Council planned Springfest Carnival. Members of the Council were in charge of reserving food for the event and booking inflatables, according to sophomore Student Council member Mabel Sheesley.

Even though the weather was colder and wetter than in previous years, Carnival still went on. Clubs adjusted to the rain and students were still able to enjoy the events.

In addition to the Student Council sponsored events, different organizations from across the school had booths at the event, where they will host games for students and sell food products.

“We always have clubs participating that are trying to gain new members,” Sheesley said. “Shakespeare Troupe is always there. We also [had]  French students selling crepes.”

Sophomore Class Council was one of several CHS organizations that had a booth at Springfest this year. Trinity Johnson, the president of Sophomore Class Council, said that the council decided to have a bake sale at Springfest this year, an idea they got from other students.

“All of the members [baked] goods and [brought]them in,” Johnson said.  “Sophomore Class Council did it last year, and it was very successful, so we’re doing it again.”

Junior Class Council had a fortune teller booth at the event.

“We [had] a palm reading, [and are going to] have a magic eight ball and fortune cookies to give to kids,” said Olivia Lane, a member of Junior Class Council.

In addition to the booths with games and food, students who attend Carnival had the opportunity to pick up their yearbooks earlier than others.

Lane said she looked forward to picking up her yearbook at the event this year, as she liked having access to it at Springfest last year.

“I really enjoyed being able to pick up my yearbook and hav[ing] people sign it who I don’t usually see in the day,” Lane said.

Johnson was excited about the event and hoped it will bring the school together one more time before the end of the year.

“I hope everyone [had] tons of fun,” Johnson said. “It’s so nice to see the school community come together for something fun.”