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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • February 13FEB 24 - Marking Period 3 Interim Grades Issued
  • February 13FEB 24 - Course Selection Window Closes
  • February 13FEB 14th - Winter Ball - 7-10pm @ The Barn at Creek's Bend!
  • February 13Wingin' It Show Tonight! - 7pm - Swartz Cafeteria
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Mr. Sollman poses in front of a window on the walking bridge connecting Swartz and Fowler

What is a School Board, Anyway? Mr. Sollman Gives Insight on School Board Elections

Noah Guillaume, Staff Writer October 20, 2023

Noah Guillaume: What is the school board and why should students care about school board elections? Mr. Sollman: The school board is the legal entity created by the state of Pennsylvania to govern public...

Humans of CHS: Mr. Smith, New Math Teacher

Humans of CHS: Mr. Smith, New Math Teacher

Jessa Warren, Media Editor February 8, 2023

Mr. Smith is a new teacher who teaches math in the Swartz building at Carlisle High School. After attending Penn State University for 3 years, he transferred to Shippensburg University, graduating in...

MAKING HISTORY: Carlisle students lined up at the polls this year to make history, showing a record turn out for their generation.  But now that the dust has settled, what do they want to see?

100 days of expectations

Rachel Martin February 16, 2021

   On January 20, 2021, history had its eyes on the stairs of the Capitol building as current President Joseph R. Biden and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris took the oaths of office, replacing the...

Science teacher Samantha Moyer shows off her professional attire.

Fashion for hire: the do’s and don’ts of dressing for an interview

Bri Hendriksen, Fashion editor December 14, 2013

Finding an appropriate outfit for an upcoming interview can be a hassle. First impressions are important and professional attire can leave potential employers impressed. When it comes to having a successful...

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