Student Council’s Homecoming Spirit Week kicked off this year on Monday October 2 leading up to the Homecoming Football game on Friday October 6 and Dance on Saturday October 7! Here are some looks from the week that caught Periscope’s eye and don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of the article to read an exclusive interview with Student Council co-advisor Mr. Wilkinson!
Monday: Country vs Country Club
The age-old American battle over what it means to be country.
Tuesday: To The Future
Where does CHS see themselves in 10 years? Or maybe even 100 years?
Wednesday: Barbenheimer
The Barbie vs. Oppenheimer saga continues at CHS!
Thursday: 70s Day
CHS takes a trip back to the 70s!
Friday: Class Colors
Each grade wore their class colors to participate in the pre-homecoming football game pep-rally! Seniors wear white, Juniors were green, Sophomores wear orange, and Freshmen wear brown.
Have you ever wondered how the Student Council comes up with the themes every year? One of their co-advisors, Mr. Wilkinson, has some answers for you!
“We have a Student Council retreat, and one of the major things we do at the retreat is we plan all of our homecoming events and themes,” he explained.
After ideas are brainstormed by STUCO at the retreat, they break up into different committees called Ad Hoc (Latin for something that is temporary) and each Ad Hoc specializes in planning and managing different homecoming festivities. “We have a committee for spirit days and themes, so they got together and started coming up with different ideas of what they wanted to do,” Wilkinson added.
“Essentially, [STUCO] took a vote, and brought [the themes] to Dr. Buffington to get them approved,” he finished.
A few of the spirit day theme ideas came to the council really quickly. “I think Barbenheimer was a quick one, and a lot of people were prepared for that. I was actually impressed with the participation in the school, I thought it was pretty good,” Wilkinson elaborated.
This year’s Homecoming Dance theme is Disco as decided by the Senior Class Council so of course, Student Council wanted to tie one of the days in with the theme of the dance. Wilkinson explained how they, “were trying to toss around ideas like a disco day or a hippie day but settled on the 70s”.
“We decided on the 70s so that [students] can do anything [they] feel comfortable in. We always try to be inclusive of everybody who could want to participate,” Wilkinson concluded.
Vanessa • Oct 11, 2023 at 10:21 am
70 BCE had no dinosaurs.
Seif Fahmy • Oct 16, 2023 at 10:56 am
People will hate on a giant inflatable dinosaur at school for no reason ?