Saying thanks

Haliey West

More stories from Haliey West

Preparing for Prom
April 8, 2015
Thanksgiving gives families a chance to gather together and make memories.

Haliey West

Thanksgiving gives families a chance to gather together and make memories.

Thanksgiving: a family and friends based holiday. A day spent giving thanks to those you have in your life and for what you have.

When asked what the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word “thanksgiving,” senior Shannon Wescoat said, “Food, family, and school break. Honestly it’s all about being thankful for what you have and the people you share it with.”

The holidays aren’t all about receiving, better yet enjoying and cherishing what you already have.

Panagiota Rouvalis, a CHS 9th grade math teacher who isn’t from America, said, “Coming from Greece you weren’t used to a holiday like this, so it’s nice to be given an opportunity to say thank you to those who have been in your life and helping you out.”

Something new this year is the school baseball season starting up a little early. Will Warren, a freshman, said, “The fact baseball starts up the week of November 17th is all I’m looking forward to. Turkey and baseball; that will be a good break.”

CHS isn’t just looking forward to eating, but something deeper. Having time to spend with family and friends seem to be what is most looked forward to.

Be ready to give thanks for what you have. Not every day is promised and everything you have was worked for. Be thankful for another day, and the people you share it with.