E-readers are the future (Editorial)


Clara Cozort

E-reading devices, such as the Nook or the Kindle, have become increasingly popular.

SarahBeth Davis, Perspectives writer

E-books and e-readers have been on the rise.  According to Forbes.com, they now account for 23% of the revenue from book publishing.  Some readers are happy with this change, but others are not.
There is a certain comfort in physical books that cannot be entirely replaced.  While e-readers are nice, the familiar smell and feel of a book cannot be fully replaced by technology.
However, the same tangibility of physical books also provides a drawback.  E-books are lightweight and thin, which makes it easier to tote them around.  This is especially convenient as they can carry many books within them.
E-books themselves are easier to access, available for online download rather than having to be sought out.  They are typically cheaper, and can even be found for free on some websites.  The easy access makes them all the more desirable.
Besides fiscal reasons, they’re also environmentally preferable.  Electronic books need nothing to be created but words and file space physical books require trees to be cut for wood, so a decrease in the production of them would help the environment.
While physical books aren’t going to become completely obsolete any time soon, the future is with electronic books, and for good reason.

Want more e-books but can’t afford an e-reader?  Learn more about the app Readmill in our review here.