Celebrating Good Times: Seniors reflect on their favorite events of the school year


Courtesy of Owen Starner

FINE DINING: After the Model UN Summit, Starner and a few friends walked to Korea Town where they enjoyed Korean cuisine. Pictured from left to right is Dawson Becerra, Owen Starner, Elias Kradel, Elena Rasmussen, and Natalie Buss.

Throughout the school year, CHS hosted and participated in several events to keep students socially active with their peers, and provided a time for them to wind down from all the stress of homework and assignments. We reached out to seniors about their favorite event this year, and these were the favorites we got!


“I chose to do the Renaissance Senior Talent Show because I wanted to finally show the niche skills and abilities I’ve developed, and wanted to leave this chapter of my life with a BANG!” -Luke Erickson


“I enjoyed playing music in the orchestra concerts, it’s a great opportunity to play for the school.” -Lorelei Gwynn


“I chose bingo because it was a competitive and fun environment plus the prizes were pretty good.” – Mollie Best

BINGO: A group of Seniors review their bingo cards in hopes of collecting a prize. (Courtesy of Mollie Best)

Model UN

“I joined Model UN because many of my friends from the previous year told me about how much fun it was to go. This year, since I knew a few other people who were joining, it made sense to try something new that would be exciting and hopefully teach me something. It took lots of work, but during the trip I had such an amazing time, looking back I realize how many friends I made because of the trip. ” -Owen Starner

FINE DINING: After the Model UN Summit, Starner and a few friends walked to Korea Town where they enjoyed Korean cuisine. Pictured from left to right is Dawson Becerra, Owen Starner, Elias Kradel, Elena Rasmussen, and Natalie Buss. (Courtesy of Owen Starner)


“Prom was my favorite event because I got to dance with all my best friends at a school dance one last time.” -Elizabeth Frazier

FANCY-LIKE: Pictured from left to right, Regan Storm, Maria Franjicic, Ashley Richwine, and Elizabeth Frazier are ready to dance the night away at prom. (Courtesy of Elizabeth Frazier)

Playoff-Bound Boys Volleyball Season 

“The dynamic of the sport is very team work oriented and in order to play well you need to have a good relationship with your teammates as a result the team is very tight-knit like a family. That’s why I like the sport, I wasn’t born with brothers instead I met them on the court.” -Michael Stoner III

VICTORY: Celebrating after a win against Chambersburg is the CHS boys volleyball team. They are posed bellow their opponents inflatable mascot in this picture. (Courtesy of Michael Stoner III)

Home Track Meets

“I always seemed to perform better at home meets, something about the atmosphere. I got my two most major PR (Personal Records) at home meets.” – Alex Ftohidis

RUN FORREST RUN: Alex Ftohidis crossing the finish line at a home track meet. (Courtesy of Alex Ftohidis)