A Laid-back Legend: Mr. McGuire Retires this June


Ellis Warren

Mr. McGuire stands in front of his American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet banner hung in his classroom.

Ellis Warren

John McGuire is a 10th, 11th, and 12th grade English teacher, who has been an educator at CHS for a total of twenty one years. After twenty-seven years as a teacher, he has made the decision to retire at the end of this school year.

McGuire “come[s] from a family of educators and [has] always loved literature and school,” so the decision to teach was a no-brainer. 

Over the years, McGuire

Mr. McGuire’s first yearbook picture in the 2002 edition of Oracle.

has had many memorable moments in the classroom, but when asked about the most notable experiences, McGuire noted that on “one magical day, we had a two hour delay from school and then were sent home early because of a power outage!”

As he retires, he is planning to, “spend more time with family, travel, read, [and] volunteer.” 

McGuire will miss his colleagues and all the students, but has offered some final advice for both parties. 

For new teachers, his advice is that “part of the joy of teaching is that you get to know so many kids and help shepherd them through the process of high school! Enjoy the journey!” 

And for students his advice is to “step out of your comfort zone and try new things!”

McGuire’s colleagues will miss his laid-back demeanor and ability to find the good in things. His colleague of over 20 years, Michelle Disbrow said “John has been a constant figure in our department and hallway.  He is the most flexible and calm being in our department as he nonchalantly agrees to teach various different classes each year.  When the room fell silent at department meetings or in-service days, John is the one person that would always offer thought provoking insight.  He will be greatly missed.

His students benefited from McGuire teaching them both the English Curriculum and the power of mindfulness. McGuire uniquely taught students to meditate, taking moments in class for students to center themselves, especially in the wake of challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Senior Isaiah Bentz said “Mr. McGuire is very passionate about what he does. I really appreciated the mindfulness he did. I had his class at the end of the day and it was a great way to unwind after long days.”

Desiree White, senior, added that “If I had to describe Mr. McGuire with one word, it would be compassionate. He is so understanding with students and what they may be going through which makes school and just the work easier to handle. Mr. McGuire is truly a helpful teacher and won’t let you fail when he knows you’re capable of a lot…He is also very funny so if you’re having a bad day and need a laugh, he is the guy to go to!”

Periscope, and all here at CHS, thank Mr. McGuire for his years of service and wish him luck in the future.