Don’t go breaking her heart: Valentine’s Day tips for guys


There are many different struggles that come with being in a relationship, especially in the confusing time of a teenagers life that is high school. Then comes along a holiday, a holiday that thousands around the world despise, and at least that much or more love it with all their heart:

Valentine’s Day.

Words that strike fear and anxiety into people everywhere, namely people of the male variety.

This is a stereotype but let’s be honest, it is very likely if you are a guy you will be stressing about how to go about this.

Why not females, you may ask? Male and female brains are chemically and physically different.

One of these differences is women use emotion a lot more than men do. Another is memory. Females often have a larger hippocampus, our human memory center.

According to Psychology Today, “Females also often have a higher density of neural connections into the hippocampus. As a result, girls and women tend to input or absorb more sensorial and emotive information than males do.”

This means that females have a better memory on average than the male average, especially if it has something to do with emotion.

This is best expressed when CHS senior Andrew Houghton was asked what’s the next big holiday that has something to do with love: “Is it Easter? Oh wait it’s Valentine’s Day!… when is that again?”

Houghton is dating Jessie Lissner, also a senior at CHS. He says that he is sure she remembers the date and already has something planned for him.

Lissner was asked the same question and got the date correct right off the bat. Additionally, Andrew guessed correctly in that she already has an idea of what she wants to do for Hallmark holiday.

“I want to get dressed up for a nice dinner and just spend time with my boyfriend,” said Lissner

Aww isn’t that cute?

This is the gap where guys and girls really divide on this holiday, the sitcom cliche that hits too close to home; forgetting an important date that’s important to the significant other.

Which leads to our first tip: Remember, remember, remember. This is the first and most important thing you need to do. Forgetting makes it seem like you don’t care enough to keep it in your brain. And even if you don’t, pretend to anyway if your significant other is, just do it.

Next tip: Make sure you make it seem like something that took you some thought; it doesn’t need to be huge or overwhelming but it can’t just be a little box of candy and a kiss either. If you are broke like most teenage boys, don’t worry; there are plenty things you can do that require next to no money. Think back to when you first met, something that has a lot a of meaning to the both of you and use that in some kind of gesture.

*Example: if you guys have an inside joke like you slipped and fell on your butt when you first met. Make a sign that says “I fell for you when I fell” and have a rough sketch of a guy falling down on some poster board or paper. Girls like when you call back to previous moments because it means it you do care enough to remember.*

Last tip: Start planning soon, preferably now. This article was put out more than a month early for the holiday for a reason: you have to at least start having an idea at this point because time goes by in a blink of an eye. Don’t save it all to the last moment. This isn’t an essay you turn in at 11:58 the night it’s due. It’s something actually important. Okay, school is important but school doesn’t make you as happy as your significant other does, right? Right. So don’t let it get too late to start putting things into motion.

There are reasons stereotypes are stereotypes; they are based off of truth. Guys are biologically inclined to forget things and not attach emotionally. While this may not be the case every time, it is for the majority. Take our advice and it’s guaranteed that you will break the mold and be spontaneous on Cupid’s big day.