Bathroom Brawl (Editorial)

Kaitlyn Hankard

There have been debates in schools nationwide over what bathrooms transgender students should be able to use.

Most people take their basic human dignities for granted. However, for roughly 700,000 transgender Americans, even using the bathroom is a matter of controversy.

The country has erupted in disagreement after North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act into law. The bill mandates that one must use bathrooms and changing areas that correspond with their gender assigned at birth.

Proponents of this legislature raise concerns over the possibility of male predators pretending to be transgender in order to commit sexual assault in the women’s bathroom. However, these claims are largely unfounded.

For example, one article examined 17 school districts across the country that are “allowing transgender students to access facilities they’re comfortable with.” Encompassing over 600,000 students, these 17 schools districts did not experience a single incident of harassment or sexual assault involving transgender students.

Should transgender students be able to use their bathroom of choice?


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If anything, there are more dangers associated with these facilities being denied to transgender students. There are higher rates of suicide reported amongst transgender teenagers when they must deal with bathroom restrictions.

Some has even proposed having transgender students used separate bathrooms than the rest of the student body. One does not need to look back very far in American history to find similar examples of discrimination. Was it merely 50 years ago when citizens in the South rallied against desegregating bathrooms in the name of ‘protecting children?’ It has long been determined that separate but equal is not actually equal.

Issues as trivial as where people gets to relieve themselves take attention from real problems. Transgender Americans continue to be victims of hate crimes and discrimination.

This certainly is not the first or last time misconceptions have affected the civil rights of Americans.

Disclaimer: Articles designated as “Editorial” represent the views and opinions of the author, not the 2015-2016 Periscope staff, CHS Administration, or the CHS student body.