Are eDays a snow day solution? (Editorial)


Nicole Marshall

Snow days come with an exhausting price

With weather conditions worsening and school frequently cancelled, winter is here. Not having to come to school is great news to most students, but it comes with a price: it takes days away from our breaks to make up for the lost time.

Carlisle Area School District, however, is looking to adopt a new plan, an eDay (also known as a Flexible Instructional Day), to replace those makeup days.

“Essentially a day lost to inclement weather would be replaced with instruction delivered through online, offline, or a combination of the two,” said Stephanie Douglas through an email sent to a few teachers.

Students would have a time period in which to complete their assignments, in case they did not have access to materials at home.

EDays are currently in the process of being accepted into, or declined from, CASD curriculum by the State Department of Education. In Pennsylvania, it is not uncommon for there to be harsh conditions. If eDays were adapted by this school, students and their families wouldn’t have to cancel their vacation plans due to lost days.

In addition, because teachers would have planned the eDay lesson in advance, we would be continuing our discussions or lessons from the previous lessons.

Many schools in the U.S. have already incorporated a form of eDays into their curriculum. However, there are some cons to eDays.

It may be harder to have deep class discussions, and it may be harder to contact your teacher if you have any questions. In addition, some students don’t have internet at home, and with bad road conditions, it isn’t safe to drive to the local library. That being said, students do have time to make up their assignments.

How would you feel about eDays replacing snow make-up days?


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EDays would be beneficial to students. Having to make up days due to weather that we can’t control gets annoying. I would much rather stay home and work online, rather than having to go to school over break. If you are planning to go somewhere, you don’t have to worry about cancelling it to make up a lost day.

Whether or not Carlisle High School will add eDays, too, they are something to consider.

What do you think about adding e-days into our curriculum? Let us know in the comments below!