Personal displays of affection or personal displays of awkwardness?

The hallways are not meant to be a makeout zone.

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer

So many teenagers nowadays are in a relationship. They like to show their affections for each other anywhere and everywhere. This is called Personal Display of Affection (PDA).

   Most couples run towards each other and touch lips, when some of them are leaving tracks of slobber in the hallway.

   Showing you like somebody is cute when the both of you trade notes or maybe even exchange a peck on the cheek. Holding hands and friendly hugs are enough affection to show people walking down the hallways in CHS.

   Certain PDA is very unnecessary. CHS actually gives out punishments and a walk to the office for showing too much.

   School is for learning and showing your individuality with your clothes and different techniques through writing and drawing. Walking into the room you chose for your electives this year proves you’re a different person than others are already. So, why would you want to show everybody a side where they would think badly of you?

   Most teenagers are peer pressured during relationships and that’s why they feel the need to show their affections.  Couples should realize that they don’t need to put their personal affections out there just to show the world they are together.

   Put the word out instead, or hold hands everywhere you go. If a couple can’t control themselves in school, that’s pretty bad because everyone will see that and think badly of those two people. It could change someone’s whole opinion on a person or a couple just for showing personal affections.

   Also, whenever you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are showing your affections in the hallway, there’s always going to be that one person who feels awkward walking past the two of you. Nobody needs to feel badly about him or herself just because you want to do inappropriate things in the public halls of CHS.

   Make plans with him or her after school to be affectionate. Avoid doing it in front of people at CHS because all you’re doing is getting a bad name and weird looks.

   Sure, you may really be in the moment when you’re walking with your boo. But no teacher or peer of yours wants to see a part of you that is nowhere close to school appropriate.

If you’re uncomfortable doing it, don’t do it. I hope to see no more students walk in a classroom wiping away the lipstick marks of shame from  his face, because honestly, it’s just awkward.