Electronic inclusion: CHS offers involvement opportunities with new esports team
GAME ON: CHS senior Aiden Moyer readies up for another game at the esports area in L127. New to CHS this year, the esports team hopes to expand in numbers and opportunities in future years.
CHS continues to strive to find ways to involve students in extracurricular activities. From the many clubs and athletics offered at CHS, a new team has gained interest with many of Carlisle’s talented students. Started by CHS IT teacher David Rodkey this year, the new esports team looks to put an even more competitive edge to the gaming world as some of our Thundering Herd stampede their way into competition with other teams in the midstate.
Esports refers to the online competition of popular games, such as Overwatch, Apex, Rocket League, Minecraft, and eventually athletic games such as Madden, NBA 2k, and MLB the Show. Competitors have the choice to play at school or from home.
General manager Rodkey, who is also involved in many other extracurriculars such as Cross Country, Track and Field, Girls Basketball, and is a volunteer leader at the Carlisle chapter of Young Life, is hoping the team will meet the needs of the CHS community.
“Last year while my students were building computers in class, several of them were talking about the video games they played,” Rodkey said. “Then they started to ask about esports. Our IT director expressed support to start a team here at Carlisle. So after attending an esports conference through the Intermediate Unit, I decided to get things started!”
Senior Max Marra felt compelled to join the team.
“I wanted to join the esports team as I enjoy playing games and wanted to help give others that experience,” Marra said.
The club has given these students the opportunity to meet other people and make new friends.
Sophomore and Rocket League A/B team captain Miles Fry said, “People who join the team can meet new people… a lot of our [members] are good friends now so I feel we work well together and will really push each other.”
The team currently has competitions on Wednesdays or Thursdays and is utilizing newly implemented once-a-week practices to sharpen their skills so they can dominate the PIEA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Esports Association) the new league they have joined,

with the likes of local schools such as Chambersburg and Cumberland Valley as well as many other teams across the state.
“Our esports team is actually pretty high ranked even though it’s our first season in the league,” Fry said.
Marra agreed.
“I am excited to see the team come together,” Marra said. “Once we get everyone on the same page, I think the team will really take off.”
With much of the season still to go, Rodkey said, “I am most excited to see students come together, build relationships with their peers, and succeed both inside and outside the classroom.”
Ultimately the club has done just that, getting students together to make new friendships and represent our school. You can watch the esports team’s next match by searching Carlisle esports on Twitch TV or by clicking this link https://www.twitch.tv/carlisle_esports.
For more information on participating in Carlisle’s esports team, contact General Manager Rodkey at [email protected] or in his room, L127 in the Fowler building.
Interested in esports? Want to win a t-shirt? Comment below with your name and email address and you will be entered to win our Periscope t-shirt contest. Sorry–open only to current CHS students and staff.
Want to help the Herd? Please consider supporting the Periscope program. Your donation will support the student journalists of CHS and allow us to purchase equipment, send students to workshops/camps, and cover our annual website hosting costs.

Jarrett is a senior at Carlisle High School. He enjoys being very active outside of school, he plays three sports for the Herd and is a member of senior...
Thomas Landis • Jan 19, 2022 at 1:53 pm
I think it’s important that we start to embrace technology more and more in schools because not only will it create convenience but it will also allow people to feel more normalized in its presence, and because it can offer more opportunity for students to come together.
Brandon Clifford • Jan 14, 2022 at 10:44 am
I think it is great we have this club. If this was around when I was a freshman I probably would have joined. It was definitely the club CHS was missing.