Joy to the world: the candygrams are here!

Janie Haseman, News Editor

The candy is coming! For only $1, any student can send both candy and a holiday greeting to any friend or teacher at CHS.

After being met with great success last year, the CHS Periscope staff decided to work on this fundraiser for a second year in a row. All proceeds will go towards funding a trip to the Columbia Scholastic Press Association conference in New York City in March.

“The conference is just so wonderful for our staff,” said Periscope advisor Kate Muir. “They leave [the event] inspired to be better writers, photographers, and journalists.”

Each candygram includes a piece of candy (with a choice of candy cane, Hershey Kisses, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats, or a Hershey’s chocolate bar), with the option of including a handwritten note to the recipient.

Many CHS students enjoy this opportunity to spread holiday cheer.

“I think it’s a really cute idea,” said freshman Molly Marra, who also mentioned that she is “excited” about the fundraiser.

All a student needs to order a candygram is the name and first period teacher of the friend they are buying it for. They will be on sale at all lunches in both Swartz and McGowan December 16-19.

“Without candygram [sales], we wouldn’t get to experience…the greatest conference in the world, and one of the best experiences of my high school career,” said junior Joey Kucker, who is one of the staff members in charge of the fundraiser. “Buy candygrams!”