Junior Class Council is holding a blood drive on Jan 22. Sign up today! (Hannah Westbrook)
Junior Class Council is holding a blood drive on Jan 22. Sign up today!

Hannah Westbrook

Junior Class Council to host blood drive

January 15, 2016

Blood drive to be held Jan 22

On Friday January 22, the Junior Class Council will be coordinating a Blood Drive through the Central PA Blood Bank. Students can sign up during lunch in McGowan or in 10th Grade English classes tomorrow up until this Friday, January 15.

The Blood Drive will be held at the McGowan Auditorium lobby and students will be receiving a pass reminding them of the time they signed up for. Here are some important things to note before the blood drive.

To participate in the blood drive, students need to be in good health, at least sixteen years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and not have gotten tattoos within the last year. It is very important that if students want to participate that they hand in a signed permission form to the McGowan Office or Junior Class Council adviser David Bigelow’s room (M202) by Wednesday January 20. All students must do this, even if they are eighteen years old!

Junior Class President Stephen Hume said, “I feel that people should donate blood through the drive because it is great way to give to a very important cause because there are a lot of people out there who need this blood. Some blood types are not as common and are more in demand. It’s important as a community to help fulfill that need.”

Bigelow added some information on the procedure of the blood drive.

Are you planning to donate blood this year?


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“Once students come to the McGowan Auditorium at their scheduled time, members from the Junior Class Council will greet them and explain what’s happening,” said Bigelow.  “Then the medical professionals will go through their procedures and once someone is done donating blood, Junior Class Council members will be around to see how they feel and if are alright. All students have fifteen minutes for recovery after giving blood and there will be a large table with food for donors.”

Students need to sign up by today, Fri Jan 15, if they want to participate in the blood drive and they are allowed to choose which period to miss which offers more incentive.

For students that may still feel unsure, the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank’s official website suggests that “eating a good meal and hydrating yourself with caffeine-free drinks helps to make sure your donation experience is a positive one.” They also add that “most donors say they barely felt anything and they describe blood donation as a slight pinch on the inside of their arm.”

The best part of donating blood truly though is understanding that the donation is going towards helping someone else in a serious medical emergency. With that, any little prick of a needle is worth it because no matter how small a donation may seem, each and every one really does save lives.




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Jackson Hoch, News Editor

Jackson Hoch, a.k.a Action Jackson, is a senior this year and this is his first time on Periscope as a News Editor. He is to always trying to tell interesting...

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The Importance of a Pint (Editorial)

Donating blood is a situation many people hesitate to do; however, the benefits to others are truly endless. If many high school students can’t wait for their first tattoo, why is there such a hesitation when donating blood?

When I was younger, I was never allowed to donate blood. My parents weren’t keen on the thought (although my dad was an avid donater). However, there was nothing more I wanted to do. At 17, I began to donate when the Central PA Blood Bank bus came to the highschool. However, I now consider myself a regular donater.

I used to be that kid at the doctor’s office that nurses had to hold down. I hated needles and seeing my own blood, and frankly the thought never failed to make my stomach churn. However as I have gotten older, I now understand the priceless benefit to donating.

The first thing I have to stress is to not be afraid of the “big” needle. I was always the one to request a butterfly needle (yes, the ones doctors use on newborns), when giving blood for tests. However after donating blood, I realized that the bigger gauge wasn’t anything to be worried or concerned about. If anything, it makes the process go by faster.

During school isn’t the only opportunity to donate either. You can donate every eight weeks (56 days) at the Carlisle Blood Bank near Nell’s grocery store (which is what I do), and Community Aid additionally hosts blood donation events (that even sometimes get you coupons on clothing, which is a total plus).

From one student to another, here are some key things/tips I have learned:
• If donating at the Carlisle Blood Bank, your donation will more than likely go to Carlisle Hospital. If donating on a Central PA Blood Bank Bus, it will be taken to one of their main banks, such as in Harrisburg (you can check them out at www.cpbb.org).

• Yes, there is without a doubt your blood will be used. If anything, sometimes Carlisle Hospital has to have blood brought in.

• When donating, approximately a pint of blood is taken. It takes around 12-13 days for your body to fully produce that amount again.

• Be aware of the “requirements” for donating blood, such as being at 110 pounds and waiting at least a year to donate after getting a tattoo.

• You will be asked some *slightly* personal questions that regard to sexual behavior and medical history. Being 100% honest will result in a safe donation for you and the receiver. 

• You may be slightly nauseous after donating, which is totally normal! Drink orange juice and take advantage of eating some sweets. Bruising a few days after donating is totally normal (although uncommon for me personally).

• Most importantly: When donating, keep in mind how important and life-changing your donation is to someone in need. It makes the process all the more worth it.

Although some may get squeamish by the thought of donating blood, I highly encourage doing so. If pain is not a concern for you but you are disturbed by needles and blood, simply close your eyes and look away (as tempting as it may be to take a peek). I hope many students and faculty take up the opportunity on January 22 to donate in order to help (and potentially save others). As the Blood Bank’s motto says, “The pint you give helps others live!”

Disclaimer: Articles designated as “Editorial” represent the views and opinions of the author, not the 2015-2016 Periscope staff, CHS Administration, or the CHS student body.

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Photo of Hannah Westbrook
Hannah Westbrook, Photographer, Advice Column

As the graphics manager and photographer, Hannah Westbrook hopes to apply her skills with art and digital design to the Periscope board of 2015-2016. Additionally,...

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